Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Meta Tags and You!

Here is a quick Email from a co-worker and myself. Their big question had to do with meta tags, and their importance.

Now, with the meta tags, there is a huge miss conception with their importance. The major Players in the Search Engine Community no longer pay attention to the meta tags from an SEO stand point. The main reason for this, is because of keyword stuffing. Basically people just putting what ever keywords they can in the meta tags to try and improve their positions in the search engines.

Now with that being said, we still need to make sure our clients change the Meta Tags, and personalize them. Keep in mind, that sometimes Google will use the Text from the Meta Description in the display text on the search results page. The basic concept is, just accurately depict what is found on that specific page. IE: if it's a page for buyers, don't get into info about sellers, but make sure to drop an area location or two. Remember, we are trying to promote the client and their areas, but in a way that search engines don't over look it as spamming.

I hope this helps. Let me know if there is anything else :-)

Oh, and here is a link that might help with some more info.


Unknown said...

Good article. For more information about how Google views meta tags I recommend visiting...


Anonymous said...

Yes you are rigth, but meta tage has its own importance in Google, i think meta tag are also given importance in google result.

Anonymous said...


I think meta tags are only important in google.

Anonymous said...


Meta tags are used in link building.

Anonymous said...


I think meta tags have so importance in SEO field.

Unknown said...
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